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a difficult time  QUOTES

4 " You're stronger than you think. Even if something pushes you to the breaking point, even if you may need to make a conscious effort to just cope: It's in you, to survive. It may help to break it down into smaller time segments. If you can try to just make it through the next minute, the next five minutes, the next half an hour. With each success, try and lengthen the amount of time. Carry the firm belief in your heart and mind that it will get better. Just that belief is so very strong. Just believing it will get better will have an influence. Sometimes, you'll push through just short spans of time, but as you do, realize that you are capable of doing it. You can do this. Look back at things that you have already gone through in your life and know you survived. You can survive this too. You are so strong. You are just having a challenging moment. It's not forever. You will get to the other side. Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself. Never give up. It's not an option. Try and ask yourself: " How best can I get through this difficult situation? Is there anything I can do in terms of self-care?" Try to be very gentle with yourself. If you cry, accept it was just something that you needed to do. No judgment. In your most challenging days, make an extra effort to be that friend to yourself, you so need. Please, if you're facing a difficult time at least be nice to yourself. Take it one step at a time. Keep hope and faith alive in your heart. Believe it will get better. Do anything you can to help yourself through in the best way possible. You are stronger than you think. "

11 " You want us to love you, is that right? Love, Tabitha Crum, is to be earned, not given away to just anyone like a festering case of fleas.
She'd been seven when her mother had made the comparison of love and irritable itching. Tabitha remembered the statement quite well because it was the same year children at school had suddenly gotten it in their heads that she had a case of head lice. That had been a difficult time and nobody had gotten close to Tabitha since. Of course, with the addition of a pet mouse over the last year, her lack of friendship could perhaps be further explained by the misapprehension that she spoke to herself. Pemberley was a most excellent consultant in all matters, but he tended to stay out of sight, so Tabitha could somewhat understand the slanderous comments.
Or it might have been the unfortunate, uneven unattractive, blunt-scissored haircut her mother was so fond of giving her.
Or it could have been the simple truth that making friends can be an awkward and a difficult thing when it's a one-sided endeavor and you've a pet mouse and you've been painted as odd and quiet and shy, when really you're just a bit misunderstood.
In any case, nobody at St. John's seemed lacking for companionship except her. But Tabitha reminded herself that there were far worse things than not having friends. In fact, she often made a game of listing far worse things:
• eating the contents of a sneeze
• creatures crawling into her ear holes.
• losing a body part (Though that one was debatable depending on the part. An ear or small toe might be worth a friend or two. "

Jessica Lawson , Nooks & Crannies