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Scott C. Holstad

Scott C. Holstad (also known as Scott Holstad) is the author/editor of roughly 30-35+ print books (one, "Places," was nominated for a Pulitzer), as well as a contributor to some 20-30 more, not counting those that have been ghostwritten, written on contract for noncommercial purposes (large corporations, medical research organizations) & so on. Essentially no one really knows how many books I've had published, edited, written on spec, ghostwritten, etc., but most who know me guess somewhere between 65-90+. I've been published in many different areas such as poetry, academic/scholarly research, tech, security, scientific/medical, nonfiction & more. My work has appeared in thousands of print publications in at least 19 languages, but Internet publications have made traditional "global publication" irrelevant. You can find more info in the WorldCat catalog (https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=wo...) while my WorldCat Identities public lists can found at https://www.worldcat.org/profiles/tan... (always being updated). Researchers will find my ORCID profile at https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9686-6471 & my Google Scholar ID is WR5U4_UAAAAJ. My very incomplete (thanks to Google's sad bots) GS profile is at https://scholar.google.com/citations?... & there are other Identifiers, index's, directories. etc., where you can get more info, but my bizarrely expanding Wikidata page is a good starting point at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q101075855.

I've had a successful writing & publishing career, but I've also done many other things (diverse interests), resulting in some people calling me a polymath. (More info is on my LinkedIn profile -- https://www.linkedin.com/in/scotthols..., like my experience & interests in areas such as contingency planning, counseling, political consulting, nuclear proliferation, quantum field theory, defense, geopolitics, China/East Asia, neuroscience & more.) I'm a member of about 40+ professional orgs (nearly 30 years as a professional member of the Authors Guild) & though now "retired," I stay busy with the American Counseling Association (ACA), the Royal United Services Institute for Defence & Security Studies (RUSI), as an Arendt Scholar with the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics & Humanities & as a Research Scientist with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).

Too much education. Certificates, degrees & postgrad research in English, writing, law, computer science & engineering at schools like Tennessee, Cal State Long Beach, Queens U of Charlotte & UCLA (& more at MIT, Stanford & Michigan). I taught at several universities but hated it, so went on to other things.

Examples of where I've been published include the Minnesota Review, Caffeine, Exquisite Corpse, Poetry Ireland Review, Long Shot, Atom Mind, Wormwood Review, Poetry Magazine, Chiron Review, USA Today, Textual Studies in Canada, Writer's Digest Books, Gothic Press, Cambridge UP, WW Norton, Harper Collins, U of Texas Press, Southern Review, Wicked Mystic, Midnight Zoo, Blank Gun Silencer, Experiment In Words, Driver's Side Airbag, Pearl, Sheila-Na-Gig, Lullwater Review, Asheville Poetry Review, Main Street Rag, 96 Inc., Cyber-Psychos AOD, IndustrialnatioN, Flipside, Irish University Review, The Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy, Pearson & Longman textbooks, anthologies, 西洋文學在臺灣研究書目, 1946年-2000年 - Volume 1 & more.

I've moved 32+ times but consider L.A. my "true" home. However I currently live in the Gettysburg PA area. Cheers!

the Works of Scott C. Holstad