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Lisa Kemmerer

Internationally acclaimed for her work in animal ethics, professor emeritus Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is the founder of the educational, vegan umbrella organization, Tapestry. Having earned a BA in International Studies from Reed College, a Master of Theological Studies in Comparative Religions from Harvard, and a PhD in philosophy--specializing in animal ethics--from Glasgow University in Scotland, Kemmerer taught for 20 years at the university level.

As professor of philosophy and religions, Dr. K wrote and edited more than 100 articles/anthology chapters and 10 books.

• Animals and World Religions
• Eating Earth: Environmental Ethics and Dietary Choice
• In Search of Consistency: Ethics and Animals
• Animals and Environment: Advocacy Activism, and the Quest for Common Ground
• Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice
• Speaking Up for Animals: An Anthology of Women’s Voices
• Call to Compassion: Religious Perspectives on Animal Advocacy
• Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
• Bear Necessities: Rescue, Rehabilitation, Sanctuary, and Advocacy

She retired to develop her educational non-profit, Tapestry, which will continue her work on behalf of nonhuman animals, the environment, and disempowered human beings.

For more information, please visit lisakemmerer.com

the Works of Lisa Kemmerer