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Katherine Owen

Author of the bestselling Truth In Lies series including This Much Is True, The Truth About Air & Water and Tell Me Something True.

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When asked to describe...

Dark. Edgy. Contemporary. Romantic.

Were we describing me? Or my fiction? Sorry. I drink too much...coffee, not enough water.

I swear too much for God and my mother, and I slip these into my fiction. Sorry.

I'm impatient, a perfectionist, a wordsmith, a dreamer, which ends up being good and bad. I'm always writing, just ask my family.

I've written six novels in as many years: Seeing Julia, Not To Us, When I See You, as well as the Truth In Lies series (new adult fiction) including This Much Is True, The Truth About Air & Water and Tell Me Something True (latest release).

If you love angsty, unpredictable love stories, I'm yours. ♥

I'd love to hear from you here or connect with me on Facebook.

Here are my websites: www.katherineowen.net OR www.katherineowenwrites.com for links to books, reviews, my blog, Tumblr, and Pinterest.

the Works of Katherine Owen