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As one of the world's leading spiritual teachers of meditation, Sant Rajinder Singh's books show readers how meditation on inner Light and Sound that anyone can do leads to lasting happiness, peace, and joy. Spending time in meditation can lead to personal transformation with proven benefits for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Trained in both science with a B. Tech degree in electrical engineering from I.I.T Madras and an M.S. degree from I.I.T. Chicago and in meditation, he clearly and simply explains to modern readers the relationship of science and spirituality and how both can lead to knowing ourselves and our purpose in life. Through the scientific method, one can test the hypothesis of meditation to experience for one's self the inner Light and Sound and the spiritual riches that lie within. His books also present to readers descriptions of the inner spiritual journey anyone can take through meditation on the inner Light and Sound.

Sant Rajinder Singh provides clear and compelling support for the value of meditation for health and wellness of body, mind, and soul. In his book, Meditation as Medication for the Soul, noted medical doctors, cancer researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, chiropractors, homeopaths, physiatrists, brain researchers, neuroscientists, and those involved in alternative medicine provide rich evidence supporting meditation as a complementary treatment modality.

Each of Sant Rajinder Singh's books explore different benefits of meditating and include meditation instructions that anyone can try. His are must-read books for optimum physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness.

Traveling tirelessly throughout North, Central, and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, he holds meditation sittings, seminars, talks, and conferences, in which millions of people benefit from the simple meditation on inner Light and Sound he teaches.

As head of Science of Spirituality, a nonprofit organization dedicated to peace, unity, and selfless service he inspires many charitable works. This includes providing help to victims of natural disasters, free homeopathic, allopathic, and ayurvedic medical clinics, cataract eye operation camps, blood donation drives, and medical supplies to those who cannot afford them, and aid to needy and orphaned children.

Sant Rajinder Singh convenes two international conferences each year in February and in September where civic and social leaders and participants explore meditation and ways people can live together in peace and unity.

His organization he leads, Science of Spirituality has over 2800 centers worldwide where people can learn meditation. Among these are also retreat and meditation centers around the world. These offer to the public classes in meditation, spiritual topics, and personal transformation to benefit one's self and to make a postive difference in the world.

Besides his many books translated into over 50 languages, Sant Rajinder Singh has recorded many DVDs, CDs, and webinars. His articles and blogs appear regularly in print and online magazines, newspapers, and websites around the world.

Schedules of Sant Rajinder Singh's author talks and meditation programs can be found on Sant Rajinder Singh's Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram.

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