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Kati Wilde

Kati Wilde is a tight-lipped, loose-hipped woman of indeterminate age and low breeding. Born into a very large family, she now has a very small family (no laws were broken in this transition), and she writes romantic fiction to assuage her darker urge to write Transformers erotica. She lives in Oregon, so most of you are safely far enough away, and has two old cats.

Kati writes the Hellfire Riders MC romance series and will be publishing her first New Adult novel, Going Nowhere Fast, with Berkley later this year.

About Our Series:

The Motorcycle Clubs series is for romance readers who want all the heat and emotion, but who don’t have all of the time. At this time, we are only publishing novellas — our intention is to provide readers with short (yet satisfying) MC romances. Sometimes we might continue one couple’s story over several novellas, but each individual novella will have a satisfying romantic resolution. Because they are short, we focus the stories on the eroticism and romance, and will be building the MC worlds as each series progresses.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me -- kati@katiwilde.com.

the Works of Kati Wilde