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Juanita Ray

Updated 2022.
Juanita Ray is a #1 best seller author of the true story memoir series, Toxic Thoughts. Thanks to you, the readers, many of her memoirs have maintained an organic best seller status, despite her lacking a social media platform, and not promoting her books.

Juanita, born in Newfoundland, Canada, was made a crown ward at age fourteen, after eight years of horrendous child abuse.

Due to becoming a child bride at age fifteen, she has never walked into a classroom since quitting school after grade eight. She became a teen entrepreneur with brick and mortar stores and her former claim to fame was building a building that collapsed a few days before the grand opening.

Juanita went on to earn an AIIC degree in insurance, host TV shows, become advertising manager for a newspaper firm, work for the financial division of Social Services, and earn an IC&I Realtor designation, all while solo raising an ADHD son (diagnosed by hospital).

She recovered from many adversities including, bankruptcy, a kidnapped first son, a long custody battle that cost her a third son, and owned multiple flower shops and houses.

During Shattered (book 5), she married a narcissist and lost everything. Despite being reduced to welfare, and losing her third son, she managed to find the resilience to bounce back.

During her journey from illegal alien, to a fortune 500 advertising consultant, she met and married her soulmate & co-worker, Scott.
Together they live at 'the jungle' in Southern California, with the horde: a 6-pack of dogs, 150 small birds housed in an outside aviary, & a 6-pack of outside semi-feral cats. One such cat constantly visits the spa, and crashes photo shoots, while the rest drool while covertly guarding the aviary.

Her newest rescue is a misfit Siamese cat with a dissociative identity disorder. Despite Juanita nursing the starving kitten though surgeries, and respiratory issues, the thankless cat continuously attacks her and treats her like a giant mouse.

Juanita’s loves photography, creating music, writing lyrics and painting everything in sight. Her favorite tools are drills, hammers, and her 10-inch miter saw.

the Works of Juanita Ray