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Şemseddin Sami (Frashëri)

Sami bey Frashëri (Turkish: Şemseddin Sami Bey; June 1, 1850 – June 18, 1904) was an Ottoman Albanian writer, philosopher, playwright and a prominent figure of the Rilindja Kombëtare, the National Renaissance movement of Albania while also a supporter of Turkish nationalism.
He gained a place in Ottoman literature as a talented author under the name of Şemseddin Sami Efendi and contributed to the Ottoman Turkish language reforms.

Sami Frashëri was born in 1850 in the village of Frashër in the Vilayet of Janina to a distinguished Muslim Albanian family of Bektashi religious affiliations.

He came in touch with western philosophy and studied Latin, ancient and modern Greek, French and Italian, he also attended a local Muslim school and learned through lessons from teachers Turkish, Arabic, and Persian.

the Works of Şemseddin Sami (Frashëri)