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Lorene Stunson Hill

Lorene Stunson Hill was born in St. Louis, and later raised in Detroit, Michigan. In a visit to Sardis, Mississippi (hometown of her ancestors), in her teens, Lorene experienced the cruelty of racial discrimination, but she stayed steadfast in her unshakable faith and belief in the values of the traditional African-American family, community, and culture. She currently resides in the Central Florida area.Her life was not as she would have wished it to be; one of ease and luxury. In fact, the opposite was true. She wished to make it more than it was and tell her impressions in a story, warts and all, to help others and help bring forth something good out of misery. "Family experiences are universal," she said. Lorene drew from the wealth of experiences placed in her path to create, "To Dance with Ugly People.” Along that path she completed Creative Writing Courses at the University of Central Florida under the esteemed guidance of Professor Wyatt, Wyatt, who taught her that, if you want to write you cannot be a coward. Lorene was never a coward.

the Works of Lorene Stunson Hill