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Alexander Engel-Hodgkinson

He's always had a fondness for different types of fantasy, having grown up on superhero cartoons, action movies and anime. As he got older, he branched out, discovering more works in these and many other categories, including various forms of Hong Kong cinema, exploitation cinema, science fiction (especially cyberpunk and dystopian tales), various subgenres of horror, and what he considers the 'golden age' of action films, all of which have heavily influenced his imagination and writing/drawing style. He can't stay on a computer too long without opening Microsoft Word and writing something down, even if that computer doesn't belong to him; and if he has a pen and paper of some sort, he'll be drawing something for sure. Since he was ten, he's been striving to achieve a career in fiction writing while providing his own illustrations and cover art, constantly encouraging creative criticism from his peers so that he may improve wherever need be, and has always been trying to 'one-up' himself with his drawing and writing achievements.
He's come a long way with his writing and illustrating, and he's still got a long way to go. He looks forward to every step he'll have to take in the long run.

the Works of Alexander Engel-Hodgkinson