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Gloria Piper

When working in biology, I missed art. When working in art, I missed biology. It took a bout of multiple chemical sensitivities to limit me to writing. At last here was a niche in which I felt old-clothes comfortable. At last I could indulge all my interests, from art and science to nature and spirituality, from reality to fantasy. My most recent awards range from honorable mention to editor's choice for my science fiction and fantasy writing, which include Where the Sky Ends, Long Pig, and Train to Nowhere.

I grew up in the country and attended a country school. After high school, I car-pooled with my mother, older brother, and a kid from a neighboring farm to college. We were all students, and in those days, tuition cost less than $30 a semester.

More interested in freedom and adventure than an early marriage, I piled on the experiences, from teaching, doing farm work, directing a Christian ministry, working in Army research and development, care taking, and teaching martial arts.

Over the years, I discovered that aging is an interesting process. Your whole body heads south, and time either speeds up or you slow down. Features that were once unfinished are now full of character. More than youth, I value the wisdom gained, and the ability to say, "I know because I was there."

Presently I live in Northern California. Recently widowed, I treasure the memories of my husband of late years who thought I was the most beautiful lady he'd ever met and told me a hundred times a day in a hundred ways how much he loved me. Added to that love is a three-legged English Labrador.

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the Works of Gloria Piper