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Sherree Mongrain

Sherree Mongrain wrote her first short story at the age of 9 and hasn't stopped writing ever since. Her love of writing extends from non-fiction, business-related books to children's books, poetry, short dramatic pieces and journals.

A wife and mother, Sherree has always combined her love of family and fun with how she chooses to earn a living. Her entrepreneurial spirit has been a fire that has kept her busy re-inventing herself and her career path her entire life. She firmly believes you can have work you love and a life you love at the same time!

Sherree fell in love with everything online and has been working in the online world since 1999. Her unique perspective and straight-forward approach make her popular with entrepreneurs and small businesses who want real answers and strategic, actionable information that helps them grow their business. An early adopter of social media, she has watched the internet transform the way we work, play, and live.

Her business, PEEP Social Media, just celebrated its 3 year anniversary. The name of her business--PEEP-- stands for the process she uses to help business owners get more of the right clients and make more profit.

P is for Plan
E is for Engage
E is for Excite
P is for Profit.

Her books clearly and simply explain what can sometimes be a very confusing and overwhelming place--online and social media marketing. If you've been struggling in your business, grab a copy of one of her books and get started improving your marketing today.

the Works of Sherree Mongrain