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Jack  Shaw

Jack Shaw brings real world experience to whatever he writes. Not many can claim a background in two military services, enlisted in the Marines and an officer in the Air Force, followed by government service. He is retired now from the military and the Federal government. But that's not all.

As the Host for an international Training and Development web site, his weekly articles are translated into more than 60 languages. He has been a columnist and reviewer for STAGE Magazine and continues to write several articles a week for various blogs.

He is the author of four e-books, including his best seller, "The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development" and an e-novel, "Harry's Reality," the first of a series of science fiction adventures that dramatizes what happens when the world decides it needs to give an artificial intelligence free reign to save the world from its human inhabitants. His other two books are on the theatre: "ActingSmarts on Local and Regional Theatre" and "ActingSmarts Reviews Local and Regional Theatre."

Jack received Bachelor of Arts degrees cum laude in both Psychology and English, and dual Master’s degrees (Speech/Dramatic Art and English) focusing on performance criticism from the University of Missouri in Columbia.

the Works of Jack Shaw