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Wllm Worth

Bio WllM Worth
WllM Worth has lived in the Mid-West and West Coast traveling often during his research. His writings include “Jona: Autobiography of an Exorcist” “Between Heaven and Hell” “By Gone Daze” and the censured quatrain style poem titled “My first conversation with Lucifer when I knew that it was him.”
“At age nine I received the rite of exorcism which left me with a desire to study and write about the supernatural aspects of religion. At age thirteen most of my writings and notebooks were taken by the priests, under the direction of the Archdiocese, whom had helped me throughout my life. I understand the protective action as I was a confused child and not yet able to weather the storm that could have followed the ink of one so young. Several funerals later including the priests of my childhood and those of my parents, who died two weeks apart, prompted dream memories and omens’ signaling it was time for me to put pen to paper once again.”

the Works of Wllm Worth