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Vivian LeMay

Once upon a time...America was French.

For one hundred sixty years our American midwest lived under the King of France. New France stretched from Canada's Atlantic coast, west into Michigan and Wisconsin, and south to the Gulf of Mexico. Explored by fur trappers and Jesuit priests in the early 1600s, this vast territory was sparsely populated by French settlers called habitants. Surviving by nothing but their own hard work, clinging to their farms, their language, their Catholic faith, and the Seigneurial form of government--a peasant-lord relationship used in France, the descendants of these habitants remain today in places like Detroit, St. Louis, and New Orleans.
As I researched The Last Lord of Paradise I grew to love these French Canadian habitants. Strict Roman Catholics, they were pioneers living in the wilderness of North America, yet somehow they always found a reason to celebrate life. That is the attitude I tried to portray in my Kindle ebook series, THE LAST LORD OF PARADISE. I hope you enjoy all six generations of this Family Saga, and please don't forget to leave a review. I'd love to know what you think.

Vivian LeMay

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the Works of Vivian LeMay