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Alcatraz Dey

Alcatraz Dey is a writer, novelist, blogger, editor and poet from INDIA. His works include the Colossal Series in which the first book SERPENTINE SCROLLS was released in 2015 and amazed readers all over. India Shining, his second release, is already a favorite with thriller readers. He writes thrillers with an element of mystery, thrill and real facts.
In March 2017, he released a short collection of stories he wrote from 2014-2016, titled The Woebegone Writer.
His latest release, 'The Devil Never Loves' is also a thriller and is slated to break all records.
He is one of the most popular writers on Quora and writes extensively on philosophy of life, aviation & History.
His poems have a dark side usually symbolizing his character. He blogs as well and has written for various companies as a brand consultant.
He is an avid gamer and his pen name ALCATRAZ is inspired by the protagonist in his favorite game series CRYSIS.

the Works of Alcatraz Dey