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R.E. Conary

First, and foremost, I’m a reader. It’s a rare night I’m not tucked in with a book before bed. Books are as much a part of me, my DNA, as the Conarys, Dames, Longs, Fullers, Cousins and Chiltons on back to that first amoeba that tweaked to life in the long forgotten primordial ooze. And I try to write stories I’d like to read.

I write many types of stories but private investigator Rachel Cord is my modern-day Cyrano de Bergerac striding through Raymond Chandler's mean streets. James Rockford in drag. She's a what-you-see-is-what-you-get woman who's not afraid to take chances or make mistakes and is willing to let the reader into her darkest moments as well as her accomplishments. She holds nothing back.

I come from a long line of New Englanders and was raised on the sunny shores of Southern California. For 20 plus years I lived and worked in different parts of the country and the world courtesy of Uncle Sam. I currently live in Southern Georgia with my wife and two cats.

the Works of R.E. Conary