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Steve  Madison

Steve A. Madison (1951- ) was born in Houston, Texas to a WWII combat veteran from Oklahoma and a patriotic redhead from Louisiana. He was raised to believe in God, country and a government of the people, by the people and for the people - secured by the sacred blood of the American soldier. Post 911, he became alarmed by the overt legislative theft of America’s constitutional safeguards that exposes the life, liberty, and private property of every American to lawless confiscation by the state. In 2012, Madison began a research project to determine the root causes of these acts and developed startling evidence of a secret government hidden within the federal system, a dark brotherhood that operates it, and a hidden hand that steers it. His first novel, "The Flight of the Mayday Squadron” is an historic thriller that presents the results of his research in narrative form and reconsiders the Vietnam War as a for-profit conflict prototype for the 911 War on Terror. The story is written from the point of view of American soldiers, then and now, who willingly place themselves in harm’s way for the sake of our Constitutional Republic. Madison makes this four part promise to his readers: 1) You will see the frightening evidence describing the secret government, the dark brotherhood, and the hidden hand, 2) You will be enthralled by the action, 3) You will be engaged by the characters, and 4) You will be entertained, informed, and equipped to do your own research into the most important subject of our time.

the Works of Steve Madison