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Eric Barone


Eric Barone is an Argelian born French writer, researcher, educator, inventor who has dedicated half a century to study consciousness and all forms of ignorance (the latter, the origin of humanity's illnesses and misfortunes, he states).
Barone wrote his first book at the tender age of 16 -a book about cybernetics music learning. In fact, every realization thru life's hurdles has made him create his philosophical, practical and affective path.
Early seminal quotes such as "We are walking on the moon and still learning as in the stone age"; "Everybody wants to teach us without telling us how to learn", set in motion his devotion to "Teach without limits", to learn and live life's full potential. His research deepened and Barone found in hypnotism the ultimate conscience accelerator. It became the premise of his International Pedagogy by Hypnosis Center, first in its kind.
The book "The ABC of Hypnotism", co-written with journalist Jacques Madora (Barone's last book written in French). On October 13th, 1983, the 28 years old Eric Barone invited the French press to the Eiffel Tower's 1st floor for a "Learning Challenge: Come learn English in a month; to learn how to drive in 24 hours and to learn how to type in four hours. Send your editorial writers to try and tell".
Paris Match, L' Express, Le Monde D L Education were present; RFL and EUROPA 1 transmitted the challenge; Antenne 2 devoted its special December 31st transmission; and NHK Tokyo sent a team to tape those driving in the streets of Paris in a hypnotic state.
Mr. Barone embarked in a 30 years' international tour. During this journey he realized the ultimate engine to accelerate the brain forty times fold. Then, the Akashic Therapy International Movement was created. It was presented at the International Book Fair in Buenos Aires, 2005.
Barone has become a leader on the new wave of thoughts, in the midst of these times of great changes. His books are great matches to many fields: "How to learn to learn" and "How to learn to teach" have revolutionized pedagogy; "Psycho Bioenergy" complements Psychology; "Akashic Therapy" goes hand in hand with alternative and energy medicine; Self-Help opens up to a bright and practical horizon with his collection "Impossible? Why?"
Barone's books have a precise and revolutionary premise that always include concrete and independent practices. It might be a stamp from his birth time: Argelia 's independence revolution. His imprint has been a non-violent revolution that creates epistemological ruptures, profound and transformative changes for the good of the self in particular, humanity as a whole.
Thousands of students and clients, all over the world, have benefited from his guidance and practical techniques to know their spiritual mission, to deal with the energetic aspect of illnesses, for better decisions in life's crossroads, among other issues.
We recommend reading "Healing without borders" a book written by medical doctors from Argentina. It is a very complete text on Barone's life's work.
Eric Barone has written eighty books. And has authored the largest akashic records Encyclopedia (10, 000 self-help booklets; 300 issues; 100, 000 pages).
Barone's latest lab work lists innovative applications, including biblical texts transformed in electronic sounds creating positive psychosomatic effects.
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*Eric Barone's research home where you will find his Akashic Therapy applied to the arts, science, technology, education, health, spiritualism, futurology, among others.

the Works of Eric Barone