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Jeanine Joy

If you’re a leader who wants your organization to have a positive and cooperative culture, you’ve found an expert who knows how to make that happen. Inspire employees by embracing employee engagement, culture transformation, burnout prevention and recovery, and wellness strategies based on the latest positive psychology, motivation, emotion regulation, and human thriving research.
If you're an individual who wants to learn strategies that make every day of your life better, with less stress and more fun, Dr. Joy can help you achieve your dreams.
Dr. Jeanine Joy founded Happiness 1st Institute, a member of the Thrive More Now companies in 2011, based on research demonstrating that happiness leads to success. When Dr. Joy realized that teaching others how to manage stress at the root cause level could improve every major social problem but no one was doing it, she knew she had to step up and do everything she could to help humanity thrive more.
She is the author of three books demonstrating the link between stress and flourishing, one each for health, crime reduction, and suicide prevention. Her upcoming books link high employee engagement to empowered mindsets, diversity appreciation to increasing personal commitment to happiness, and resilience to using emotional guidance and metacognitive processes to manage stress levels.
Her focus is on empowering individuals and organizations by providing practical, usable techniques that target the root causes of human thriving.
When she is not writing, Dr. Joy teaches business people, students, teachers, parents, health care workers, recovering addicts, and homeless individuals how to use emotional guidance and metacognitive processes to increase happiness, reduce stress, and thrive more. Prior to founding Happiness 1st Institute, Dr. Joy did primary research in human thriving while concurrently working in the financial services industry. Her final role in financial services was as the Director of Compliance and Risk Management for a nationwide wealth management company. She is currently finalizing her dissertation on the connection between employee engagement and happiness.

She has a vision of a much better world for everyone, but it is not just a dream, she knows how to achieve the goal. For the last few years she has devoted her life to sharing this information with as many people as possible in programs designed for individuals and organizations. Realizing she could help more people with a book, she began writing.

Jeanine raised her two daughters on her own from the time they were preschoolers. She says her goal was always to "Raise children I would like as adults. I knew I would always love them, but liking them was my goal." She always smiles when she says this because she has achieved that goal.
She has recently remarried the man of her dreams. They live in the Charlotte, North Carolina area but plan to build their dream home in the mountains. Jeanine loves being surrounded by nature and wants a home where she brings a camera to breakfast because "You never know what you'll see." Her husband delights in surprising her with romantic getaways where he tells her how many days to pack for and the anticipated weather--but nothing about the destination. She loves both these trips and the ones she plans. She is blessed with friends around the world, many of whom she met during her travels.
Her work is scientifically based but she is deeply spiritual. She has taken the time to build bridges from a variety of worldviews to the keys to human thriving. She has ways of explaining the keys to greater thriving that appeal to scientific, religious, and spiritual worldviews and has somehow woven them together in a way that brings the world closer to peace.
Her deepest hope is not only that you will enjoy her books, but that they will provide you with information that you use to thrive more in your life--to be the shining light she believes everyone is capable of Being.

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the Works of Jeanine Joy