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Nihar Bhonsule

Nihar Bhonsule is the author of India's most scintillating dark fantasy, The Path Of Sukshmaloka.

He is an optimist, thinker, philosopher, video-gamer, nature-lover and philanthrope. His inspiration behind writing is to illuminate and enlighten.

Nihar Bhonsule lives in Mumbai. He enjoys reading various genres like horror, fantasy, crime and thriller. He has spent years of his life in coffee shops and libraries reading through the epic Mahabharata and decoding the various metaphors to discover the deeper philosophy and way of life embedded in the text.

He finds contentment in the simplest things like laying in the warm sunlight on a cold day and experiencing petrichor of the initial monsoon. He is a fan of stories that use rich symbolism as a means to probe readers into deeper thought and reasoning.

the Works of Nihar Bhonsule