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S.J. Stanners

S.J. Stanners who began writing books at 10 years old on an old typewriter. On 1st January 2020 she put pen to paper and wrote Amarlia - The Spirit Awakens, book one of a new young adult fantasy series.

A lover of all things spiritual, she has drawn from her own experiences and learning to create a powerful and creative young adult fantasy fiction novel. Rich spiritual undertones flow throughout the book as the chosen few embark on a self exploration of discovery whilst being faithful to the enlightened one.

When not writing this busy single mum of two, manages her own business and leads a fulfilling and happy life. Being a mum is counted as her greatest accomplishment. She has lived through some dark moments and is a supporter of mental health for everyone. She now uses her greatest asset, her experience to encourage others.

"Through my writing I hope to inspire young and old. Fiction is a powerful tool, it takes readers on a journey of escapism but can also leave an everlasting impression in which to learn and better ourselves." - S.J. Stanners

the Works of S.J. Stanners