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Inka Loreen Minden

Inka Loreen Minden (aka Lucy Palmer, Mona Hanke, Ariana Adaire, Mo Davis,, Monica Davis), german writer.
Picture by Guido Karp / p41d.com

Inka Loreen Minden is a German author of erotic and paranormal romances and teen books. She has so many pseudonyms that people call her ‘the multi-named woman’.
She lives in Munich and shares her home with her husband and son. Her husband sometimes thinks she is more alien than human as she often acts out of character.

Inka enjoys reading, watching movies with her family and playing violin. She craves writing and chocolate, often both at the same time.

Since 2008 she has written more than 90 books—historical, contemporary and paranormal—appearing regularly in the German online bestseller charts. Love, passion and humor always have a place in her erotic romances, regardless where the heroes meet each other.

Inka welcomes visitors at www.inka-loreen-minden.de.

Inka Loreen Minden, die auch unter dem Pseudonym Lucy Palmer, Ariana Adaire, Mona Hanke (Erotik) und Mo Davis (Mystery) schreibt, ist eine bekannte deutsche Autorin (homo-)erotischer Literatur. Von ihr sind bereits 80 Bücher, 14 Hörbücher und zahlreiche E-Books erschienen.
Neben einer spannenden Rahmenhandlung legt sie viel Wert auf eine niveauvolle Sprache und lebendige Figuren. Explizite Erotik, gepaart mit Liebe, Leidenschaft und Romantik, ist in all ihren Storys zu finden, die an den unterschiedlichsten Schauplätzen spielen.

the Works of Inka Loreen Minden