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Jenn Sadai

Jenn Sadai has combined her love of writing with her passion for empowering women into three purposeful series. The Self-esteem Series currently contains three non-fiction stories tackling common issues that affect a woman’s self-esteem.

Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman explores the dark consequences of domestic violence, drug use, and depression. Dirty Secrets of the World’s Worst Employee addresses bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace. Cottage Cheese Thighs delves into how societal expectations and marketing ploys harm our body image.

The Survivor Series, Her Own Hero and Her Beauty Burns, are action-packed, suspenseful fictional stories proving that women have the power to save themselves. Her “True Tales” Series unintentionally began with No Kids Required, the true stories of 20 trailblazing women who’ve chosen not to have children. Women Ready to Rise expanded the series, showcasing 22 inspirational stories of turning tragedies into triumphs.

Jenn Sadai is a proud Canadian, born in Windsor, Ontario, where she resides with her heroic husband and two lovable labs. Jenn can always be reached through the various social media links on her website, www.jennsadai.com.

the Works of Jenn Sadai