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Audacia Ray

Audacia Ray (she/her) serves her LGBTQ community as Director of Community Organizing and Public Advocacy at the New York City Anti-Violence Project, where she advocates to shift resources away from the criminal legal system and into support for LGBTQ survivors of violence. Previously, she served as founding Executive Director of the Red Umbrella Project. Her essays and stories have been published in The Rumpus, The Guardian, the Village Voice, and have been widely anthologized, most recently in in We Too: Essays on Sex Work and Survival and Hustling Verse. Previously, she was an editor at Utne Reader Award Winning $pread magazine and the literary journal Prose & Lore, and her non-fiction book Naked on the Internet was published by Seal Press. Audacia executive produced the feature documentary The Red Umbrella Diaries, which screened at DOC NYC in 2015 and featured performers from the storytelling series of the same name that she hosted for five years. Her directorial porn debut, The Bi Apple, won a Feminist Porn Award in 2007. Dacia has a MA in American Studies from Columbia University and a BA in Cultural Studies from Eugene Lang at the New School, and she spends her time in Brooklyn and the Catskill Mountains.

the Works of Audacia Ray