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Nancy Jean Walker

Dancing has always been my passion until my life took some horrific twists and turns that ultimately paralyzed my legs. However, what I thought was the end of my life was only the beginning of an amazing life of triumph. I often wonder how it is that I survived. I am a very lucky girl.
I live within the four walls of my bedroom these days. I created my own charming version of an English garden, my oasis Victorian roses on my silky curtains. The sun bursts through my window without apologies, flooding my room with light, reminding me that there is an outside world.
My memoir Wildflower: An Abducted Life is available on Good Reads and Amazon.
. Writing my story was a much-needed catharsis dealing with sexual, physical and emotional abuse - an emptying of the garbage that has cluttered the alcoves and dungeons of my mind and caused me many years of emotional trauma. I had no choice. To survive emotionally I have to write.

the Works of Nancy Jean Walker