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Lisa Marbly-Warir

Lisa Marbly-Warir is an avid reader and has been writing for years. She started out writing fan fiction of celebrities and TV/movie characters that interested her. Michael Jackson was her favorite to write about and it garnered her a small following. She published her first book Destinee Romance Novella (originally completed 2001) in January 2015.

Painting and drawing is also a favorite pastime though she doesn’t do it as often as she used to. Next to reading, writing and drawing, Lisa also loves to travel. She has been to Europe, the Caribbean and North Africa as well as travels throughout the United States. You will see she incorporates some of her travel journeys into her stories.

One of her quotes “Writing is an escape, and I love living through my characters and bringing them to life”

Destinee Romance Novella
Two Become one-A Destinee romance sequel
Born Out of Lust
Sisters can we talk? coming soon
Under The Irish Moon-coming soon

Be sure to follow Lisa on Twitter @lwarir and like her Facebook page
Destinee Romance Novella

the Works of Lisa Marbly-Warir