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Marco Raye

Marco Raye is a free-spirited individual with a passion for embracing life’s emotional landscapes through his writing. He has published a variety of works in the past, but none quite rival his first (of many) inspirational fiction work, The King. Marco incorporates a delectable blend of physical and emotional elements into his writing to saturate readers with the mood, tone, and setting of each page they read. It is his belief that the human ego has served as a spiritual cancer of sorts since the beginning of our active role in Christianity. Marco seeks to shed a light on this notion through a story that helps readers all over the world actively target and identify with the human ego and its self-destructive nature. In his personal life, Marco enjoys traveling, live music, and spending time in nature to help keep him balanced, optimistic, and, most important—in a constant creative state of mind. Guiding him through his day-to-day is his life mantra: “What you are thinking and feeling today, you are creating for tomorrow.”

the Works of Marco Raye