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Jon Michaelsen

Jon Michaelsen writes fiction in Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense sub-genres where the main characters are gay. Numerous writers have influenced his writing: David Baldacci, Barry Eisler & John Grisham, and ground-breaking writers, Patricia Nell Warren, Michael Nava, and Mark Zubro. Recent authors in the Gay Mystery genre also have influenced his writing: Greg Herren, John Morgan Wilson, Steve Neil Johnson, David Lennon & Marshall Thornton.

His debut novel, Pretty Boy Dead, the first novel in the Kendall Parker Mysteries series was selected as Finalist - Gay Mystery Finalist by the Lambda Literary Awards committee, and short-novel, Prince of the Sea, earned 2017 BEST GAY MEN'S FICTION AWARD from the Gay Fiction for Gay Men Goodreads Reading Group. His soon-to-released book, The Deadwood Murders, is the second novel in the Kendall Parker Mysteries series.

Founder of Gay Mystery-Thriller-Suspense FB Group: a discussion group for GLBTQ-themed fiction/non-fiction & audio-books dedicated to Readers & Writers of GLBTQ mysteries & suspense /thrillers where fans of the sub-genre(s) can share their thoughts about and their favorites, ask questions of writer-members, and a
place where writers can engage with their fans.

He lives with his husband of 33 years and two monstrous terriers. He enjoys hearing from readers and can be contracted directly at michaelsen.jon@gmail.com.

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the Works of Jon Michaelsen