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Kelly Proudfoot

Australian - now living in Nashville Tennessee. Author of The Storming Archives: Delwyn of the Realms (Book 1), Portal Stormer (Book 2) and Totem Shift (Book 3). Soul Storm (Book 4) is currently being written.

Also available: "The Ninth Window" - an erotic novel with a surprise twist!

"The Willow Lake Group" (literary romance) is now available on Amazon - see my book trailer!

My new novel - contemporary romance - Juneau Dreaming is available on Amazon (Kindle Edition).

I have a horror story on the back-burner as well as many other projects!

My articles have been published in Llewellyn’s Almanacs, such as the 2011 Magical Almanac, 2012 Witches’ Spell A Day Almanac and the 2013 Herbal Almanac.

I love the Beat writers - especially Ginsberg, Kerouac and Burroughs. Angela Carter is an important influence as well as Anais Nin, Henry Miller, H.P. Lovecraft, Kafka, Neil Gaiman, to name a few.

The settings of my stories wouldn't have half the magic without Catweazle, The Children of Green Knowe, Enid Blyton and many more.

I also write poetry, screenplays, short stories and have experience developing training courses and workshops. I am currently a full time author and freelancer.

the Works of Kelly Proudfoot