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Cindy  Marcus

The most important thing to know about me is that writing these things suck, cause how do you narrow who you are down to a paragraph? Really? But - sigh - I shall. "For there is no try, there is only do or do not" - clearly, I'm a movie buff (A famous character says that from an awesome film). I love reading. And I love writing; I've been doing that for a long time with my husband/partner, Flip Kobler. We wrote for Disney for many years, penned, LION KING 2 - among many many other sequels. And now we write plays. We have over three dozen published. In the summer, I run a theater program called Showdown. We help kids feel empowered through the performing arts. It's amazing. And I get to do this with my son and husband. And I truly think I have a blessed life. I'm really glad you're reading about me. I'd love to know about you. So leave me a message.

the Works of Cindy Marcus