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T.R. Neff

T. R. Neff, "Torrie" to her friends.
She refuses to be pigeonholed as a writer, and prefers the following genres:
Post-Apocalyptic Mysteries
Black-Humored, Roman-flavored and/or Eschatological Fantasy
Psychodramatic, Atavistic Horror (the more Lovecraftian / Barkerish, the better)
In other words, whatever the hell she feels like writing.
She loves Jesus/God/Holy Spirit, her parents and grandparents, peeps (the baby birds and her friends), opals (black, fire, milky!), MMA fighting, guns, Mustangs (all three kinds), her US Navy and shipmates, goats, rhinos (animal themes here, hm...), etc.
Contrary to popular belief (and outrageous* rumors), she's been VERY female all of her life and intends to keep it that way.
*Credit goes to John Cleese and the rest of the Monty Python crew for use of his Holy Grail pronunciation of "outrageous." I am ever indebted...

the Works of T.R. Neff