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Richard B. Knight

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Richard B. Knight (The “B” stands for Brandon) teaches Language Arts during the day and writes fiction at night. He decided that he wanted to be a novelist back in the fourth grade. It was all quite spontaneous. Back then, his teacher asked all of the students what they wanted to be when they grew up, and while many students chose “doctor”, or “lawyer”, or “astronaut,” Richard, wanting to be funny, chose “drag queen garbage man”. It wasn’t until his peers starting reading off their choices that Richard decided that it would probably behoove him to write down another profession. He has stuck with “novelist” ever since.

Richard has a love of movies, video games, and comic books, and all three influences come through in his writing. You can find the website for his debut novel, The Darkness of the Womb, here: http://thedarknessofthewomb.com/. Richard loves making friends. Would you like to be one of them?

the Works of Richard B. Knight