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Steve Merrick

Why is it so hard to write your own Biography and why do words like pretentious and dilemma keep ricocheting around my head as I type this. So from the top, I am Steve Merrick, I am also known as stevesevilempire the photographer, check the website any time you want or type that into google, really I am a one man evil empire. My life long dream has been to write good science fiction, real stories that use the future in a n allegorical way to reflect our present.

I am currently putting together the second book in the Awash in Starlight series, its called the perspective of breath, fortunately I am not going to tell you what that's about but should you be curious then check out the first book The Navigator.

Other than cycling and tree hugging my hobbies are Physics, Marine Biology, Ilford HP5 Film and music.

the Works of Steve Merrick