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A serial entrepreneur since his early twenties, The Traveller, has always been intrigued by the study of the Esoteric Arts, Eros (Love), and the soul realm within him-SELF. Ken Kammal invokes his dreams, visions, and the unseen, that is truly in plain sight all around us.
He states, since his early youth… “I knew I was different… a Precious Being… a Unicorn. “
In his words, “Everything reveals your Soul.” Since, leaving the business world… knowing in retrospect… it was simply a means of pure survival, in a mundane world.

Ken Kammal, The Traveller studies a wide range of Esoteric…Or, what he calls the study of the Soul …dealing with the dark arts and many forms of the Nothingness and Magick. The Traveller the untold stories of Cupid Book Series is written from Ken Kammal’s personal accounts through his dreams, visions, and recorded travels.

the Works of KEN KAMMAL