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Annie Edmonds

Annie is a Jersey girl through and through. But the cold winters can take it's toll on a woman who lives with chronic back pain. So she's packing up and heading to the west coast of Florida.

Sure You can take the Jersey girl out of Jersey, but you can never take the Jersey out of the girl.

Annie loves the beach and the warmth of the sun on her face. She also thinks everyone looks better with a tan.

Annie doesn't take herself too seriously, and believes laughter is always the best medicine.

29+yrs ago her husband Mike swept her off her feet. He made her two promises. One was to love and respect her forever. The other was to make her laugh every day for the rest of her life. So far he's kept his promises.

In 2013 Annie decided to get serious about her writing. She did the research and wrote her first in the series of erotic romance novels.

When Annie's not writing or blogging she gardens, takes photos and spends time with family and friends. She's also a foodie that loves to cook.

Annie is currently writing her second book.

Sex w/Annie is her WordPress blog. This is where she gives sexy, fun and witty relationship advice. She believes there are 5 keys to having a successful relationship; Communication,Respect, Trust, Honesty, and Sex. .


the Works of Annie Edmonds