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Sharon Sant

Sharon Sant was born in Dorset but now lives in Stoke-on-Trent. She graduated from Staffordshire University in 2009 with a degree in English and creative writing. She currently works part time as a freelance editor and continues to write her own stories. An avid reader with eclectic tastes across many genres, when not busy trying in vain to be a domestic goddess, she can often be found lurking in local coffee shops with her head in a book. Sometimes she pretends to be clever but really loves nothing more than watching geeky TV and eating Pringles. She is the author of a string of YA novels including Runners and the Sky Song trilogy.

To find out more you can follow her on twitter: @sharonsant or find her on facebook. You can also go to her website: www.sharonsant.com

Please chat to me, I get lonely!

the Works of Sharon Sant