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Jimmie  Butler

Jimmie Butler (1972 - ?) was born in Winchester, Virginia in the Northern Shenandoah Valley where, except for a seven year stint in the Tampa Bay Florida area, the valley is still home. From childhood, Jimmie has challenged the "common wisdom." As he thinks about concepts and practices, it always brings him back to Henrik Ibsen's quote - “The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right.” The better perspectives seem to sit somewhere between the "radical" fringe and the popular understanding.

Jimmie has worked across a variety of industries, including federal government, helping software product teams discover and deliver the right things. As a coach and consultant, Jimmie specializes in helping teams and individuals to be more effective and efficient by challenging traditional thinking and introducing new ways to look at concepts - be it work or life. He believes that Mindset Transcends Methodology™, which means that what you believe and value drives your behavior - that what you do changes much more frequently than why you do it. As a result, He believes in order to do the right things, you must have the right "why," and in order to effect lasting change in behavior, your mindset needs to transform.

His desire to challenge popular thinking around Agile and help people think more effectively led to his first book, Pursuing Timeless Agility: the Path to Lasting Agile Transformation.

the Works of Jimmie Butler