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B.C. Johnson

The drawback of having a sheltered childhood, is that someday those walls have to come down, and mine came crashing down on September 11, 2001. I was in my junior year of High School. I was wondering who I would take to the Winterfest dance in a month. I was worried about petty, selfish things. Then I watched those towers come down. I also watched the after effects of that day. I watched people come together unlike ever before. I watched rescuers scour through rubble to find anyone they could. I joined the Army as soon as I was able, on September 14th, 2002.

I'm a two time Iraq Veteran with extensive combat experience. I am currently a Paramedic in Raleigh, NC. But what I love to do is write. I started writing as far back as the third grade. I’ve always had an over-active imagination, I just never knew where to use it. By the time I was close to graduating High School I was writing 50-60 page short stories while my peers were struggling with five paragraph essays. The inevitability in writing novels was apparent to everyone who knew me.

But writing in a void is like paddling a canoe with a strainer. So I went out into the world. I served in the military, healed my neighbors, experienced life. Now I can explore complex themes like love, heroism, freedom, and death. Feel free to look through my blogs and of course, pick up a copy of my books.

Let us explore these themes, together.

the Works of B.C. Johnson