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Stephanie Kaleto

Stephanie Kaleto is a young Detroit native currently residing in Mississippi.

As a teenager, her writing bloomed from English class essays to poetry. From poetry, it blossomed into short stories, fan fiction, and more poetry. As she delved deeper into her writing, she realized a love had grown that she didn’t realize existed. Her first published story, a short story entitled “Anniversary Revenge”, was written with fellow author Scott Prussing under the pen name of Karly Aragon. From there, she has continued to write fan fiction, until she reached her first full-length novel, Disconsolate. While pursuing her Creative Writing BFA degree, she took four short pieces she wrote and compiled them to make the publication entitled "To Love and Leave Behind" available on Smashwords. While she hasn’t released anything else yet, promise shows within her that there is plenty more to come.

Outside of writing, Stephanie is a full-time mother to her two sons. She is a bookworm, a music lover, and also enjoys spending time with her family. You can find her on many social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram… but she can also be contacted by email at skaletoauthor@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/skaletoauthor
Instagram: tiggermom023

the Works of Stephanie Kaleto