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Tarnisha Wheeler


My name is Tarnisha Wheeler as you can see. I have recently gotten back into writing and publishing. This author page has been dormant for a few years. I have been neglectful!

Some things about me:

I love, LOVE romance novels from an early age. My teen years I worked for B. Dalton and Borders Bookstores. I spent all of my time in a book, definitely in the romance section.

I have written two, what I like to call love stories recently. A short story "And The Two Shall Meet." and a two part short series "Tracey's Saga: Be The One",

"Tracey's Saga: The One" coming soon and also "Black Girl Love Stories: Vol. 1"

I am excited to share them all with you. If you have any questions or comments feel free to share. I am still working out all of these ideas, structures and etc.

If you do read any of my books which I hope you do. Feel free to leave a rating and or review!

Instagram: @fierykadence

the Works of Tarnisha Wheeler