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Elinor Florence

My first historical novel Bird's Eye View is about a young woman who joins the air force in World War Two and becomes an aerial photographic interpreter. Published by Dundurn Press in Toronto, the novel became a Canadian bestseller in 2016.
My new novel Wildwood is about a single mother from the big city who must fulfill the conditions of her inheritance by living for one year in an abandoned, off-the-grid farmhouse in the Peace River area of northern Alberta. She is inspired by the journal written by her great-aunt, the farm's original homesteader.
I grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan and had a long career in journalism, writing for newspapers and magazines including Reader’s Digest. I even published my own newspaper before turning to fiction.
Married with three grown daughters, I now live in the tiny resort town of Invermere, British Columbia. My passions are village life, old houses, and flea markets.
More than you ever wanted to know about me can be found on my website: www.elinorflorence.com. Email me at elinor1@telus.net -- I love to hear from readers!

the Works of Elinor Florence