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Dorotea Brandin

MA, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Dorotea Brandin is a professional Coach, Author and Communication Trainer who also has twelve years of stage experience as theatre actress. http://Dorotea-Brandin.com
She is the author of two books, ‘Speaking With Your Audience’, published in 2008 and ‘Heart to heart(s) communication @ work’ published in 2013. The two are practical workbooks encouraging an all-round approach to achieve responsible, compassionate and effective communication within the work context.
Born in Switzerland, Dorotea studies and lives in several countries, she speaks English, French and Italian and is sensitive to different mentalities.
In 2002, Dorotea starts her activity as an Executive Communication Coach with I.J. Martin & Co ltd, Executive Coaches for Global Business Leaders. http://ijmartin.com
She creates her innovative coaching method for communication. It centres on achieving consistency between mind, heart and body. To this date, Dorotea has helped many hundred people, mostly top executives and managers to communicate with sincerity, presence and responsiveness to what is needed in the moment. Her coaching approach enables her clients to develop their ‘Value-listening skills’ as well as their inner voice. They develop their emotional intelligence and learn to respond with flexibility to the needs of their listeners.
From 2005 to 2007, parallel to her activity as coach in communication skills, she pursues her coaching education with Ian Mc Dermott at the International Teaching Seminars in London. http://itsnlp.com She then continues with Peter Szabo in Basel, who trains in ‘Solution Focused, Brief Coaching’. http://solutionsurfers.com (Both approved by ICF which she joins in 2005). As a ‘Solution Focus Coach’ Dorotea enjoys seeing her numerous clients achieve clarity regarding their goals, and connecting to their values while resolving their issues.
A few of Dorotea’s clients between 2003-2011:
I.J. Martin & Co ltd
Celgene International
Lufthansa Systems
International Trade Center
World Health Organization
Du Pont International
Philips International

In 2011 Dorotea moves to Singapore as she is hired to carry out a six months ‘Train the trainers’ communication program for a local NGO, an extraordinary human adventure which enlarges her perception of Asian mentalities and behaviours. On a volunteer basis, she is still mentoring and supporting the team of trainers until Oct 2012 for this long term Leadership Advancement Enrichment Program. In 2012, planning to stay in Singapore, Dorotea founds her sole proprietorship called Core Communication Coaching. In 2013, parallel to her work, Dorotea publishes ‘Heart to heart(s) communication @ work’.

the Works of Dorotea Brandin