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Werner A. Lind

Werner A. Lind was raised in eastern Iowa. A graduate of Clinton (Iowa) Community College and of Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, he also holds master's degrees from Eastern Mennonite Univ. in Harrisonburg, Virginia and from Indiana State Univ. Formerly a college teacher and public librarian, he and his wife Barb now live in Bluefield, Virginia, where he has been a librarian at Bluefield Univ. since 1992. They have three daughters. His short fiction, book reviews, and scholarly articles have been published in various periodicals, and he has twice won prizes for his work in fiction. Lifeblood is his first novel.

Note to other authors: I'm mainly on Goodreads to be part of conversation about reading in general, and only secondarily to plug my own work where that's appropriate or to network with other authors. I don't use friend invitations just as advertising, though I know many authors who do. If you're one of those, and invite me, I'll probably accept; but if I find that you never or hardly ever review and discuss any books but your own, and we never interact except when you invite me to read your books, I'll probably delete you eventually. Just so you know! :-)

the Works of Werner A. Lind