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Julie Coons

Award-winning author Julie Coons lives in a small town in Oregon. This Does Not Leave This House was her debut memoir. Amy’s bookshelf
reviews awarded it the #1 position for top 10 books of 2018. Her second book, Why She Lied, is based on a true story and winner of the 2019 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award bronze medal. Her third book, Haunted: A Paranormal Awakening, is also a true story about Julie’s paranormal journey. Julie plans to stay in the paranormal genre for a while.
If you wish to connect, ask a question, or invite Julie to speak to your group or organization, contact her at: connect@juliecoons.com.
So much more coming in 2021! Julie also plans to make YouTube videos sharing more of her story. Subscribe to Julie's YouTube channel JULIE COONS and get to know her even better.
Website: juliecoons.com
YouTube: Julie Coons
Twitter: @JulieCoons1
Facebook: Julie Coons Author

the Works of Julie Coons