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Mabel Katz

Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. She has crafted a series of keynotes, talks, and seminars for corporations, businesses, and individuals - including seminars for children - that apply the practices of Ho'oponopono to bring companies closer to their full potential and give people an edge at work and in all areas of life.

Based on using forgiveness and gratitude, her presentations focus on practical ways for reaching what she calls Zero Frequency®, a state where we are free of restrictive memories and limiting self-talk. From the clarity of Zero, outstanding solutions become apparent and excellent choices can be made.

Mabel is also rapidly gaining acclaim for her work in support of world peace. She has spoken in front of national senates and other influential government bodies and has presented at the United Nations. She has addressed multi-cultural audiences, including those of diverse ethnicities in the Middle East. Honored with the prestigious 2012 Mil Milenios de Paz Peace Flag, acknowledging her world-peace initiative, "Peace Within Is World Peace", she was officially recognized as one of the world's pre-eminent Peace Ambassadors. On January 1, 2015 she was awarded by the prestigious Public Peace Prize organization, being laureate in the PEACE WEAVER category.

Born in Argentina, Mabel moved to Los Angeles in 1983 where she became a successful accountant, business consultant and tax advisor. In 1997 she started her own company, Your Business, Inc., a step that not only enhanced her own success but also increased her ability to work more directly with others. Her company prospered by helping new and established businesses to expand and grow.

Amplifying her contribution to the LA Latino community Mabel created and produced a radio program, Despertar (Awakening), then a television talk show, The Mabel Katz Show. Motivated by her desire to bring awareness about better living choices for the Latino Community, her shows employed the best features of Oprah, Suze Orman, and Rachael Ray. As a result of her media work, speaking and seminars, she has become known in the Spanish-speaking community as "the Latino Oprah Winfrey." Mabel has received numerous prestigious local and national awards recognizing her achievements in business and with local communities.

Despite the success of her business and her media celebrity, Mabel chose to move from those endeavors to follow her heart's desire; devoting her prodigious talents and powerful drive to assisting people worldwide with what she has learned and continues to learn from Ho'oponopono.

Studying and traveling with Ho'oponopono Master Teacher Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len, Mabel deepened her learning. Mabel has been exposed 24 hours a day for more than a decade to the Secret beyond the Secrets of this Hawaiian ancient art of problem solving. She shares how she has used it to move into a fulfilling and successful life of travel, speaking and working with others to create the lives they had only dared to imagine.

From that foundation, she designed her unique workshops to bring her wisdom and gifts to audiences across the planet. She also authored her first book, The Easiest Way, which has received widespread praise from readers and thought leaders alike. In her talks she often shares how she has used what she has learned to move into a fulfilling and successful life of travel, speaking and working with others to create the lives they had only dared to imagine.

Today, Mabel maintains a busy global speaking and seminar schedule.

the Works of Mabel Katz