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Cheri Vause

Chéri Vausé is not your usual Mystery Thriller Author. As an author of the Noir Mystery Thriller, and an occasional walk into the Gothic, Horror, SF, Romance, and Literary genres, Chéri Vausé loves to tell a dark tale. Why? She believes that everyone begins their life in darkness, but are born into the light. The most valuable lessons or character traits are gained through life changing events, and it's the same with stories we remember, that we relate to for the rest of our lives. It's the contrast between the light and the darkness that gives her stories a punch, and that she includes a little touch of the mystical, imparting an important idea.

She decided to embark on a new career in writing novels rather late in life, but feels that her age and experience give her stories more depth, more realism. After teaching theology for more than twenty-five years, writing mysteries just seemed to be a natural fit, an exciting new direction. Her lifelong love of books made her realize she wasn't just a one genre person. So, she turned her dining room table into a desk, and now, she serves up murder on a noir dish and psychological terror on an icy platter, and thrills within a crime, instead of meals. Another dimension may open up on that table, and there might be a ghost lurking around the bookcase opening up a book of poetry to read while they wait for her to recognize them. An idea is woven into the fabric of every story, it purls like a golden thread and can't be missed, otherwise it would just be an "empty tale" she says. It is her sincere desire to give every reader a chance to think about what she wrote long after the last page is turned, to learn something about themselves, about the world, about what is important.

"It's the theologian in me. I believe stories should have meaning, that they should have a piece of your soul embedded in its language, and it should be written with your blood, your heart, otherwise they're a waste of a reader's valuable time, and you've learned nothing. To give them less than your best is not only cheating them of their hard earned dollar, but you fail as an author and cheat yourself. A writer writes to change themselves, then change the world."~ Chéri Vausé

To see her book trailers and learn more about the Crime author, go to her Book site NOIR THRILLERS BOOKS

To purchase any of her works, all are available for order at any book store, or you can go online at most online book stores to order. If you have an Amazon account, or are a subscriber to Kindle Unlimited, check out her books on Chéri Vausé's Author Page

Chéri lives on a small ranch in Central Texas with her husband and two dogs, Scully, a Coydog (half coyote and half beagle), and Mulder, a Great Pyrénées who volunteered to be their dog, along with three ducks: Samantha, Mr. Fowley, and Krycek.

the Works of Cheri Vause