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Patricia Bourque

Patricia Bourque - Old artist and Young author.

I always likened myself to a rock star without the money as my husband and I traveled across the country selling my art. We visited so many beautiful places and hardly got to enjoy any of them. Just did the show, slept, ate and back on the road. We did that for 25 years and met so many interesting customers and artists and saw some fabulous artwork.

I was always determined that I wanted to write fiction - although I could probably come up with a pretty funny book about some of the things we experienced 'on the road' - but that's for another time. So when I 'retired' - mind you, artist's never retire, we just fade away - so before I fade away completely, I began writing... my latest being, 'An Unorthodox Match'. I surely hope you enjoy it.

the Works of Patricia Bourque