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Catherine Barnhoorn

Catherine Barnhoorn is Mom to Mila, an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and the award-winning author of ‘Mila’s Meals: The Beginning & The Basics’ - a 500-page collection of over 100 gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free recipes and food ideas for baby’s first years (and the rest of the family too).

Catherine healed herself from autoimmune conditions (Endometriosis, Candida, Leaky Gut and severe Eczema) through diet and organic and holistic living. After noticing that her daughter reacted badly to the same foods as she did (even while she was still breastfeeding), Catherine made the decision to raise her daughter on a “free-from” diet – that is, free from gluten, sugar and dairy. When Catherine couldn’t find a recipe and nutrition book which catered to feeding a baby this way, she set about creating one herself. You can find out more and follow their ‘free-from’ journey at www.milasmeals.co.za

Catherine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Psychology from The University of Cape Town; a diploma in Marketing and Visual Communications from The International Advertising Association; and most recently, a diploma in Health Coaching (INHC) from The Institute For Integrative Nutrition. 

Catherine is deeply passionate about empowering parents to make informed decisions with regards to what they feed their children and themselves, and she firmly believes that food can be “the best form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” (as said by Ann Wigmore). Catherine sees her, and her daughter’s, food intolerances as a blessing which has led them down a path of learning, discovery and good health – which will hopefully stand them in good stead for years to come.

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the Works of Catherine Barnhoorn