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Sara Niles

Writing is an artful tool that allows the author to communicate directly to the mind of readers.

I write nonfiction, primarily memoirs, designed to invite readers into the living room of my life, for a cup of tea, and a long, insightful literary conversation, although I will mostly do the talking. We will go back a long way, you, and I, to places long forgotten by most people, to visit the lives of extraordinary people during times of great crisis. We will travel far, into the world of the young girl I once was, to examine a life of danger. We will escape death, and defeat overwhelming obstacles, until we arrive at the end of each book

During this magical interchange, you might travel to domains that remind you of the lives of people you know, and their struggles and conquests. The universal nature of humans dictates that you may read something reminiscent of your life during a difficult yesterday’s trial that you survived; I know you survived it because you are reading this with me.

Life impacts us all differently, for example, some survive trauma and never want to mention it again. I survived trauma, and I examined it under the microscope, took it apart, piece by piece, until I conquered not only the life of trauma, by trauma itself. Then, I wrote about it, pouring the passion of my experience into written form:
I vowed to kill the dog that bit me, so that it will never bite another.

I write nonfiction, because the monsters are not contained within the pages of fiction, with a neat wrap up in the end, the monsters exist in real life.

I did not ask for a painful life, but since I got it, I will make it count.

the Works of Sara Niles